Dégustation des Crêpes


Next week, to celebrate La Chandeleur, students will feast on delicious crêpes in all of their classes.

La Chandeleur (Feb. 2), or Candlemas,  stems from the Christian tradition of presenting baby Jesus at the altar, and in France it is associated with crêpes. French partake in the annual tradition of eating crêpes which are said to symbolize the sun and the longer days to come.  When making the first crêpe of the batch, you are supposed to hold a coin in one hand and flip the crêpe holding the pan with the other.  If you successfully flip the crêpe, superstition claims that you will have a prosperous year!

When: Monday, February 3th – Saturday, February 8th : During class

Where: The French Institute – 562 Green Bay Road, Winnetka

No registration fee required, simply attend class and enjoy!