Levels 5/6 Literature

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Levels 5/6 Literature

Levels 5/6 Literature

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Levels 5/6 Literature


Levels 5/6 Literature

Les Malheurs de Sophie by Comtesse de Ségur is a popular French children’s literature classic. Sophie lives with her parents and various servants in a château in the French country side. She frequently has visits from her cousin Paul, but rarely sees her two friends, Camille and Madeleine, who are admired because they are “good little girls.” Sadly, everything that Sophie does goes wrong and elicits a sermon from her mother. Each of the 22 chapters reveals a new misfortune in which Sophie is entangled. Without any guidance, Sophie discovers the world in her own way and suffers the consequences.

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Categories: Level 5/6, Literature
  • Description

Les Malheurs de Sophie by Comtesse de Ségur is a popular French children’s literature classic. Sophie lives with her parents and various servants in a château in the French country side. She frequently has visits from her cousin
Paul, but rarely sees her two friends, Camille and Madeleine, who are admired because they are “good little girls.” Sadly, everything that Sophie does goes wrong and elicits a sermon from her mother. Each of the 22 chapters reveals a new misfortune in which Sophie is entangled. Without any guidance, Sophie discovers the world in her own way and suffers the consequences.

(Price includes book and sales tax)
